Volume 5: 2013
Original Articles
Foster, E. E., Strohmaier, H., Filone, S., Murphy, M., Galloway, M., & DeMatteo, D. (2013). The importance of safety training in forensic psychology graduate programs. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 1-15.
DeClue, G. (2013). Years of predicting dangerously. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 16-28.
Garofalo, A., & Dupuis, P. (2013). The impact of coercive false-confession evidence on mock juror perception. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 29-39.
Fries, D., Rossegger, A., Endrass, J., & Singh, J. P. (2013). Utility of a violence screening tool to predict recidivism in offenders with schizophrenia: A total forensic cohort study. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 40-52.
Gamache, K., Platania, J., & Zaitchik, M. (2013). Evaluating future dangerousness and need for treatment: The roles of expert testimony, attributional complexity, and victim type. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 53-80.
DeClue, G., & Campbell, T. W. (2013). Calibration performance indicators for the Static-99R: 2013 update. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5,81-88.
Abbott, B. R. (2013). The utility of assessing “external risk factors” when selecting Static-99R reference groups. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 89-118.
Hynan, D. J. (2013). Use of the Personality Assessment Inventory in child custody evaluation. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 120-133.
Jennings, F. L. (2013). The insanity standard. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 134-150.
DeClue, G., & Zavodny, D. L. (2013). Forensic use of the Static-99R: Part 3. Choosing a comparison group. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 151-181.
Maddux, J. A., Biller, B. A., Berry, E. J., Michalowski, S. B., & D’Urso, A. V. (2013). Categorization of abuse criteria by expert ratings and the elusive diagnosis of abuse. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 182-193.
Hynan, D. J. (2013). Assessing parenting in child-custody evaluation: Use of the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 194-210.
Witt, P. H. (2013). Review of: Grisso, T. (2013). Forensic evaluation of juveniles, 2nd edition. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, R1-R3.